Tempt the Messiah - pencil work

Thanks for your interest in my comic about Jesus Christ and the Devil. I have presented the comic to some webcomic communities. I have received alot of helpful feedback from the members of those sites that should help me improve it.

People seem to like the pencil work that I show them. So, I will post some copies here and there on this blogspot.

If you have not seen it, go to www.temptthemessiah-part1.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

Hey Bestman,

Nice artwork. "The Devil" looks thinner in cartoon form. Don't tell her though.

OC Doc.

Ronan Relosa said...

Hey, this is really great! You're doing what I've wanted to do for a long time, presenting the Bible in a graphic form.

Personally I'd make an animation, one that's more mature rather than kiddy Veggie Tale type. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Looking forward to seeing more.

God bless

Anonymous said...

It's very interesting and I hope to see more.